Each year the date March 18 marks Rubys birthday and this year (2024) she would have turned 6. We will forever wonder what presents she would have asked for, which friends she would have invited to her party, what sort of cake she would have blown the 6 candles from and what her birthday wish would have been… all the endless unknowns has forged the path for Rubys Mae’s Wish and the idea to honor Ruby’s kind and giving spirit.
The idea of Ruby Mae Day came from a Facebook comment from a follower that “Ruby Mae Day” was a day this particular lady wore her purple shirt purchased via the website. We loved the idea instantly and thought that there was no other day more fitting to hold an annual Ruby Mae Day other than her birthday – March 18. Thanks to a Facebook comment RUBY MAE DAY was started and has become something we could have never imagined!
Ruby Mae Day will forever more be on March 18 and we can only hope the day will be filled with flowers, cakes, LOTS of PURPLE, bubbles, LEGO, random acts of kindness, dance parties, karaoke and anything and everything that Ruby loved doing. If we cannot celebrate with Ruby, we will celebrate hard for her.
The support from friends, family, businesses, communities, workplace morning tea rooms, schools, individuals, strangers and more was indescribable. We were non-stop hearing and receiving messages from across Australia and internationally about what people organised for Rubys Birthday (aka Ruby Mae Day). Ruby Mae Day was celebrated locally, at the beach, at a bull sale, in the big smoke, on the NBN News, in the air, overseas, in schools, in nursing homes, in hospitals, nationally and more.
We were beyond blown away by the support of our local and surrounding communities who literally covered their towns in purple and got behind Ruby Mae Day! Everyone’s kindness, generosity, support and passion is what helps keeps us going. It means the world to us that Ruby touched so many lives and this is shown by the amount of support this kind and caring girls dreams have on so many people.
We will never be able to express the gratitude and appreciation we have for each and every one of you that made any kind of effort for RUBY MAE DAY, whether it was wearing purple socks to work, baking cupcakes, putting a purple ribbon in your daughter’s hair, face painting, holding a auction, decking your business out in purple for the day/week, raising funds, selling loom bands, selling raffle tickets, holding a muffty day at your local school, sending us a message, thinking about us, mentioning/tagging us nothing has gone unnoticed and we will never be able to put into words the admiration we have for you all for all your support. We have achieved so much to be proud of since the charity has been established and by pledging to support RUBY MAE DAY you have help us continue to keep Rubys spirit and caring nature alive through helping others.
Ruby Mae Day 2024 was something Ruby would have been so proud of, she 100% would have been looking down at the insane amount of purple and would have known it was all for her.
Giving is not just about making a donation, its about making a difference! $10,347 was raised on Ruby Mae Day in 2024 and my goodness, what a difference this amount of money will make to sick and/or injured children and their families when receiving medical care. Every single dollar raised will go towards equipment donations, care packs and funding vital education sessions for Drs and Nurses.
We miss Ruby more and more every day but now live by a famous Winnie the Pooh motto of “how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”.
We honestly don’t know how to show our gratitude and thanks, we don’t have enough words to describe what we feel.
March 18 – forever more Ruby May Day