In December 2023 Ruby’s Family (Nick, Kim, Holly and Barney) made the mammoth Trek to Far North Queensland from their home town in Barraba NSW (approximately a 14 hour drive) with a very special delivery for the Townsville Hospital.
A visit to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is a destressing and often rushed time for many families, sometimes there is no time to pack a bag or even think about bringing the basic supplies such as toiletry items along. With this in mind on Thursday 21st December some of our purple army car pooled with Ruby’s mum Kim to the PICU in Townville with a delivery of 20 Care Packages. This was the first donation and a pledge of an ongoing commitment of Care Packages if and when the Townsville PICU needed them.
PICU nurse unit manager Michelle Clark said the Care Packs would make a huge difference for families who find themselves unexpectedly in hospital. “It is such a stressful time to be in hospital let alone an intensive care unit, but being able to look after the simple things can make a big difference for a family. We are so grateful to Kim and Ruby Mae’s Wish for donating these Care Packages to us”.
We are extremely passionate about the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packages and we now have the Care Packages both NSW and QLD, with the hopes to expand to more hospitals with Paediatric Intensive Care Units as soon as possible with the ultimate goal of rolling them out Australia wide. Each and every one of the Care Packs are packed with love. The process behind putting together the care packs have been thought out and packed with the highest quality packaging and products. The Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packs contain 16 different items currently, which range from bobby pins, a chocolate bar, right through to a pen and note pad.
If you would like to contribute to the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packages, please reach out to us as we need your support to keep the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packs filled to the brim with the basic but essential items for the parents and/or carers in their time of need. Alternatively, if you have any suggestions on additional items, we could put in the care packs we would love to hear your ideas!