Our family has unfortunately been retrieved from country hospitals on multiple occasions with our children from a very early age. Drawing on our own experiences we came up with the initiative of creating the “Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packages” for parents and/or carers of children who have been retrieved to a major hospital for much needed care. Unfortunately due to injuries and/or sickness in children parents and/or carers are often retrieved to hospitals in different towns/cities in very short timeframes. This more often than not leaves the parents/carers in a position with little to no possessions.
We are extremely passionate about the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packages and each and every once of the Care Packs are packed with love. The process behind putting together the care packs have been thought out and packed with the highest quality packaging and products. The Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packs contain 16 different items currently, which range from bobby pins, a chocolate bar, right through to a pen and note pad.
We have received such overwhelming feedback from the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packs and know that through this initiative we are on the right tack with our mission of wanting to help anyone who is put through the unfortunate experience with a sick child.
Feedback received via email 06/08/2023
“When arriving in Newcastle, I had nothing on me. I didn’t even have my wallet. I quite literally had my phone and clothes on my back. As we arrived at John Hunter PICU, there was already a bed made for me (it was 2am) and a gorgeous purple bag awaiting me. The lovely PICU nurse explained what was in the bag and the charity behind it. The gravity of the situation started to take hold and I reached for the tissues in the bag. Over the course of the week we were there, I used 98% of the items in the bag. The thought behind each item was so incredible and every time I thought “I could really do with this thing”, sure enough, I would look into the bag and BAM there was the hair tie and bobby pin I so desperately needed”
Feedback from the staff at John Hunter Hospital via email 28/07/2023
“We are using 1 to 2 packs per week and the parents find them such a great help in one of the most difficult and stressful times in their lives. The families and the staff members are so much in awe of the quality of the care packs and the thought process behind such a great initiative”
John Hunter Hospital estimates from the 2022 admissions they will require approximately 110 Care Packages for the unexpected retrievals of sick children’s parents/carers for the durations of a year.
It is out hope to breakdown the Care Packages and the items contained in the packs to collaborate with as many businesses, people, associations as needed to minimize the overall cost of the Care Packages. We are proud to say we have partnered with the following businesses/individuals who have committed to an ongoing contribution to the care packages on an ongoing basis:
– Toothpaste: Whitsunday Smile Makers
– Chocolate Bar: Walker Vending
– Conditioner: Mel & Craig Matheson
– Tissues: Jess Mirtschin
– Sanitary Pads: BJS Livestock Photography
– Tampons: Kris & Helena Walker
– Hand Sanitizer: Emma McGuire
– Pen: Kim & Nick Peake
– Notepad: Kim & Nick Peake
– Comb: Amanda Ison
– Lip Balm: Laine & Trent Hartwig
– Shampoo: Nathan & Leah Williamson
– Body wash: Jacqui Crowley
– Deodorant: Mel Graham
– Hair tie and bobby pins: Amanda Ison & Chris & Fiona Williamson
– Toothbrush: Whitsunday Smile Makers
– Moisturiser: 50% covered by Angela Perry & 50% covered by Nathan & Leah Williamson
– Pens & Notepads: Nick & Kim Peake
If you would like to contribute to the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packages, please reach out to us as we need your support to keep the Ruby Mae’s Wish Care Packs filled to the brim with the basic but essential items for the parents and/or carers in their time of need. Alternatively, if you have any suggestions on additional items, we could put in the care packs we would love to hear your ideas!